Business Networking Apps: The Ultimate Guide :

Hello and welcome to our comprehensive guide on business networking apps. In today’s digital age, networking has become an essential part of the business world. It is no longer enough to just attend events and hand out business cards. With the rise of social media and mobile technology, business networking has taken on a whole new dimension. In this guide, we will explore the various apps available for networking and how they can help you build your professional network.

What are Business Networking Apps?

Business networking apps are mobile applications that allow professionals to connect with each other, share information, and build relationships. These apps provide a platform for individuals to expand their network beyond their immediate circle of contacts and connect with people in their industry or field of interest.

Business networking apps come in a variety of forms, from social media platforms to niche networking apps that cater to specific industries or professions. They offer a range of features, including the ability to create a profile, search for contacts, join groups, and attend events.

Benefits of Business Networking Apps

The benefits of business networking apps are numerous. They allow you to:

  • Expand your professional network
  • Connect with people in your industry or field of interest
  • Stay up-to-date with industry news and trends
  • Find job opportunities
  • Promote your business or personal brand
  • Collaborate with others on projects or initiatives

Overall, business networking apps can help you establish yourself as a thought leader in your industry and build meaningful relationships with other professionals.

Top Business Networking Apps

Now that we’ve covered the basics of business networking apps, let’s take a closer look at some of the top apps available.

App Name Description Features
LinkedIn One of the most popular business networking apps, LinkedIn is a social media platform designed specifically for professionals. Profile creation, job search, group membership, news feed, messaging, company pages
Shapr Shapr is a networking app that uses an algorithm to suggest matches based on your interests and professional goals. Profile creation, match suggestions, messaging, event calendar, group membership
Meetup Meetup is a platform that allows individuals to create and join groups based on shared interests and hobbies. Group membership, event calendar, messaging
Bizzabo Bizzabo is an event management platform that also includes networking features for attendees. Event registration, networking suggestions, event calendar, messaging, attendee profiles
AngelList AngelList is a platform for startups and investors to connect and collaborate. Profile creation, job search, investor search, messaging, company pages


Let’s start with the most well-known business networking app, LinkedIn. Founded in 2002, LinkedIn has over 700 million members in more than 200 countries and territories worldwide. It is available in 24 languages and is considered the go-to platform for professional networking.

LinkedIn allows users to create a profile that showcases their education, work experience, skills, and achievements. Users can also connect with other professionals, join groups, and follow companies in their industry.

The platform offers a range of features, including a news feed, job search, messaging, and company pages. It also has a premium subscription service that offers additional features such as access to online courses and the ability to see who has viewed your profile.

Overall, LinkedIn is a must-have app for any professional looking to expand their network and build their personal brand.

LinkedIn FAQs

Here are some frequently asked questions about LinkedIn:

How do I create a LinkedIn profile?

To create a LinkedIn profile, simply go to the LinkedIn website or download the app and follow the prompts to sign up. You will need to provide information about your education, work experience, and skills.

How can I use LinkedIn to find a job?

LinkedIn offers a job search feature that allows you to search for open positions based on keywords, location, and other criteria. You can also create job alerts to receive notifications when new jobs are posted that match your search criteria.

How can I use LinkedIn to promote my business?

You can use LinkedIn to promote your business by creating a company page and posting updates about your products or services. You can also join groups related to your industry and participate in discussions to build your brand and establish yourself as a thought leader.

Is LinkedIn free?

LinkedIn offers a basic free service, but also has premium subscription options that offer additional features and benefits.


Shapr is a relatively new app that has gained popularity in recent years. Launched in 2015, it uses an algorithm to suggest matches based on your interests and professional goals.

To use Shapr, you create a profile that includes information about your background, skills, and interests. You then swipe through suggested matches and can either swipe right to connect or left to pass. If both parties swipe right, a match is made and you can start messaging each other.

Shapr also has a feature that allows you to attend events and meet other professionals in your area. The app suggests events based on your interests and allows you to RSVP and connect with other attendees before the event.

Overall, Shapr is a great app for professionals who are looking to meet new people and build relationships based on shared interests and goals.

Shapr FAQs

Here are some frequently asked questions about Shapr:

How does Shapr suggest matches?

Shapr uses an algorithm to suggest matches based on your interests and professional goals. It takes into account factors such as location, industry, and job title.

What types of events does Shapr suggest?

Shapr suggests events based on your interests and goals. Events can range from networking events to industry-specific conferences and workshops.

Is Shapr free?

Shapr offers a basic free service, but also has premium subscription options that offer additional features and benefits.


Meetup is a platform that allows individuals to create and join groups based on shared interests and hobbies. While not specifically designed for business networking, it can be a great way to meet new people and expand your network.

To use Meetup, you simply create a profile and search for groups in your area that match your interests. You can then join these groups and attend events and meetups. Meetup allows you to RSVP to events and connect with other attendees before and after the event.

Overall, Meetup is a great app for professionals who are looking to meet new people and expand their network outside of traditional business settings.

Meetup FAQs

Here are some frequently asked questions about Meetup:

What types of groups can I join on Meetup?

Meetup offers a wide range of groups based on interests and hobbies. There are groups for everything from hiking and photography to business and technology.

How can I find events to attend on Meetup?

You can search for events on Meetup based on your location and interests. You can also RSVP to events and connect with other attendees before and after the event.

Is Meetup free?

Meetup offers a basic free service, but also has premium subscription options that offer additional features and benefits.


Business networking apps are an essential tool for professionals looking to expand their network and build meaningful relationships. Whether you’re using LinkedIn to connect with other professionals in your industry, Shapr to find matches based on your interests, or Meetup to attend events and meet new people, these apps offer a range of features and benefits that can help you achieve your professional goals.

We hope this guide has been helpful in providing you with an overview of the top business networking apps and how they can benefit you. Remember, networking is all about building relationships, so be sure to approach each interaction with authenticity and a willingness to learn and grow.

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